Previously Michet Dental
Do you wake up in the morning with a tight, sore jaw because you were clenching or grinding your teeth during the night? Not only are the symptoms of TMJ uncomfortable, but these nighttime habits could be damaging your teeth. Untreated TMJ can result in many other problems.
At Evergreen Smiles Dental, we offer a simple solution: a night guard to minimize damage to your teeth and alleviate the pain and tension you are experiencing. We invite you to schedule a consultation with our dental team for a diagnosis and treatment plan. Call our dental office nearby to learn more!
If a dental guard is recommended, you will receive a custom-designed tray that fits over your teeth. This device is worn at night while you are sleeping, with a protective covering over the bite surfaces of the teeth. A mouth guard for teeth helps your jaw relax, reducing TMJ symptoms, including grinding and clenching.
Even though you can buy cheap mouthguards at local pharmacies, they don’t offer the same benefits you can achieve by wearing a custom-fit teeth guard from your dentist. Not only are the cheap guards ineffective, but they can actually cause more damage to your teeth if they are used incorrectly.
For more information about TMJ treatments and bite guards for sleeping close to you, reach out to our team at Evergreen Smiles Dental to schedule a consultation: (708) 424-2220.
9 am - 4:30 pm
8 am - 6 pm
8 am - 6 pm
8 am - 6 pm
8 am - 2 pm
9 am - 1:30 pm